Sustainable Fund Raising

We assist you to access funding from the Public sector, Private/ Corporate sector, Trust & Foundations to have a right balance of funding-mix for your sustainability. We also have experiences in supporting you to access funding for Skills Development leading to Employment; Access to Health Care & Healthy Living, Education, Legal Aid; Creative Works, Promotion of Culture & Arts; Capacity Building & Infrastructure Development; Interfaith Programmes; Empowerment & Environmental Projects etc. We have assisted Ocean Somali Community Association (OSCA) to access funding from European Union (EU) and London Borough of Tower Hamlets (LBTH) to develop Leadership among ethnic minorities; SME funding for SPLASH in East London from the Prince's Trust; Oral History/ Reminiscence Programme for Spitalfields Small Business Association (SSBA) in East London from Arts Council, UK & Department for Education & Skills, Govt of UK; Healthy Living & Community Regenration projects for Robinhood Gardens Millennium Green Trust, Will Crooks & St. Vincent's TRAs from Isle of Dogs Community Foundation (IDCF) and East London Business Alliance (ELBA); Mattra Foundation for Social Development Project from MJF in Bangladesh etc to name a few. Also we are specialised in legacy and crowd fund raising.

We are trained up by Local Governments, European Union & CVSs in Fund Raising which are combined with years of working experiences nationally & internationally in the charity sector.

ATS & Microfin ICT Platforms

We have qualified & experienced professionals from Public, ICT & Charity Sectors contributed to develop our own platforms to host individual's relevant data to track their life-long learning & employment related information and distribute micro-finances and analyse the financial flow & recovery related data through our platforms.

We also consult on choosing any external platform to cater to your needs based on accessibility, affordibility and functional suitability.

Our professionals provided system architecture to LBTH and Skills Care UK Limited to prepare their bespoke ATS platform and assisted in database management and upgradation.

Quality Assurance System (QAS)

We respect organisation's in-house management & compliance system which develop over the time through working practices. Our principle is we consider the existing practices and align those with recognised QAS and validate the procedures more efficiently.

We are also mindful of the fact that charity sector is distinct from the Public & Corporate Sectors; and such procedures should be innovated by the Sector for the Sector when it comes to quality assurance.

We have supported 28 organisations in London Borough of Wandsworth as a pilot project under Central London CVS network in collaboration with 7 Local Governments in Central London to adopt to QAS. Also facilitated the same for 4 organisations in LBTH and 1 in LB of Newham, 1 in LB of Barking & Dagenham, and 2 in LB of Waltham Forest.

We are trained up by the Charities Evaluation Service (CES), UK; Local Governments adding which with long years of experiences in mentoring for QAS. Our specialised areas are in Governance; Managing People, Money, Logistics; Training & Development; and Sustainability.

Business & Financial Planning

We value an organisation having a long-term business plan with carefully drawn fund-raising strategy, financial planning and interventions or activities or management procedures correlating with its policy guidelines and QAS. 

Our professionals offer dedicated consultation and guidances for clients to prepare such stratefic or business plan. We combine 'for & not-for' profit principles, models to ensure every client maximises in its return or reserve facilitating growth or re-investment, as appropriate.

We have assisted 22 VCOs/ NGOs and 14 companies based in the UK, Bangladesh and Central Africa (HEADS, Nolok Social & Cultural Association, Island Bengali Welfare Association, United Hands, Hindgrove Community Centre- to name a few) to prepare their detailed Business & Financial Plans.